Tuesday, August 15, 2017

L. Intolerance

Lactose intolerance is a thing, no doubt about it. The World Lactose Intolerance
map below shows just how widespread it is. Yet one needs to get clear about what
it is. According to the Mayo Clinic, primary lactose intolerance is not an absolute
inability to digest milk products - after all the human infant's first nourishment comes
from mother's milk - but rather occurs later in life, when lactase (the enzyme that deals
with milk in the small intestine) is produced in diminishing quantities.This fall-off is
genetically determined. It can also be caused by illness, or for a small number,
intolerance can be total when both parents pass on an intolerance gene.

China currently imports dairy products from Australia, but it is marketed for children.
I have seen on the web that yogurt and aged cheeses - already partially broken down -
are easier to digest, and might still be consumed by the intolerant.
                                          source: Oxford presents, 2010

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A2 milk??


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