Monday, August 7, 2017


It was 13°C outside this morning, and the hearty breakfast is back,
if only for a few days. I know oatmeal is a great favorite but, in my experience, it
is often lumpy if not altogether rubbery, and the mess in the pot to clean up,
too much. So I have hit upon a reasonable alternative.

The idea is to mix a half recipe of quick oatmeal, with a half of oat bran.
It plays out as below:

2 3/4 cups of each cereal; between  3/4 and 1 cup boiling water.

Must be well mixed initially.

While it cooks for three minutes; prepare fruit, yogurt, milk, almond butter.

Consistency is light; pot not too difficult to clean!

The final product.

Tastes fine; warmish and satisfying...

Hey, it's oatmeal, folks!😉

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