Wednesday, August 9, 2017


Cinnamon rolls are pretty yummy; in point of fact,  the sweetness comes primarily
from a brown sugar and cinnamon streusel interspersed in the paste. The pastry itself is soft
but airy with some sweetness, but 'good' because it  breaks down rapidly en bouche.

One should not follow a recipe like it is voodoo, and one sacrifices as one goes along.
Substitutions are also dangerous in this mind-set.. A good recipe is strategy applied to food
chemistry. Let us examine the 90minute C-rolls below.

There is yeast involved, and the whole thing is going to take 90 minutes. This tells me there
will be some sweet hot liquid involved to power the yeast, some kneading because
rolls are a bread, and some wait time (indeed, there are two wait periods). There is
milk but not that much butter involved, so the product won't be a puff, but a roll.
Finally, it tells me to add the one egg with water, because at that point the pastry is warm, and
I don't want the egg to start cooking before it is mixed in. A rumba recipe, which I will
have to pace myself through.

Notice as well that the small rolls are in a muffin tins, and touch the sides; one is
instructed - for a one pan version - to have the rolls touch. This is what gives height as well
as spread. And of course one adds oven time, because it takes longer for heat
to reach the middle. Voilà!

Just for comparison, one might buy a ready to cook roll in a can. One knocks open the can
and the dough springs out. This is an exercise in elasticity!!

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