Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Race Question

The concept of race is a politically sensitive one. Certainly
racial divides by phenotype (appearance)  has been largely discredited,
or relegated to popular culture at best. Genotype is the thing today.
Problem is, knowledge of genes is at the service of medicine, not
political discourse. And would have to be twisted to serve that cause anyway.

Case in point, the epicanthic fold, or characteristic double eyelid we
associate with Asian populations. No, we are not blind; it really is there.
Ask around on the web and one learns that all fetuses have it - it is normal human
packaging - and it largely disappears in European populations because of the
prominence of the nose bridge, which pulls at the skin. So genetically speaking,
Europeans have more prominent noses.

And yes, there are ancient populations in Africa that do possess this eye trait, so that it is
not impossible to assume that the people going out of Africa in the first migration East
were...Asiatics 😎.

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