Sunday, June 23, 2019


A doughnut shop is not a home; and conversely, a home is
not a doughnut shop. Eac can offer feelings of well-being, but
they are not the same. This profound truth is also something to
keep in mind in decisional moments, such as elections. There
are kicks to be had, it is true, but the codes are different. I
will turbo-charge the economy can well mean higher taxes for
the less well-off, and an easy Brexit can become no strawberries.

America is also easing into an election. A great populist moment
across the spectrum, because America is large and diverse, and
the political aspirants get to crowd-bathe and spread good humour.
Would I believe any of it? The warnings of one on the, perhaps. Washington
is a machine, and the strangest things like budget seizures of impeachment
enquires can be set off any ol' time. Odd!

A Titanic battle is apparently raging in the European Community about who
should lead the Commission for the next mandate: Germany's Head of List
with little experience but the rightful heir, or France's Michel Barnier for his
drop-dead performance on Brexit. Nobody got that the UK needs help on the
festering Irish situation, fish-tail to centuries of religious wars in Europe.

Here in Quebec, it is the National Holiday Week-End (poor thing loss
it's name to political rectitude). Going further, the City of St-Jean-sur-
Richelieu has not seen fit to publish a calendar of events or a Web site,
just a notice of street closures on given dates. Looking forward to next
week-end's Canada Day traffic disruptions.

And in the spirit of all this, Livia - a fitness girlfiend - has posted a
rather interesting video on face bloat after a day of eating doughnuts.
Do enjoy!

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