Thursday, June 13, 2019

Simple Slushy

To anyone keeping food to 3 meals per - no snacking -
congratulations; this is the first big step to weight
management. I am also pointing out that it is extremely
hard to gain on this, because one is successfully keeping
the sugar roller coaster in check. This is major. As for
the rest...

Every once in a while, an idea about something fun
to eat/drink appears in my email. Below, the simple slushy.
It needs a little 'punch'; perhaps vodka or Tia Maria...
Add a few party nibles and call it dinner.

For those on a diet, there is only one main meal in summer!
How does one stop on a dime at the end of a light dinner?
By planning the next meal, here, tomorrow's breakfast.

 It should be heavenly because one has banished stress from
feeling off on one's diet. It is overeating that causes bad feeling, and
not the other way around.

Happy dreams!

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