Wednesday, June 12, 2019

New Pi

In point of fact, the typographical symbol for product
that allows for serial multiplication is the letter pi. I
quite understand this because - given the hoopla around
arriving at a value for the circumference of the circle from
the radius - might not one get interesting results considering
the value of pi to be one, and look for the radius from

                            *     *     *

Remmbering from Fermat's theorem: the only triangle answering
to a^2 + b^2 = c^2 with integers is 3, 4, 5  (9+16=25).

on: Geogebra

I could scale down for an easier radius, Keeping in mind:

                                                     *     *     *

Below, I have used Euler's Basel problem solution to
solve for pi. The first seven decimals are in accordance
with official pi:

Trying to compute from the multiplicative
side of the zeta identity, also equal to pi squared over 6. Small problem:
identifying 100 million primes...

Here, going to 1000 primes, and showing 4 expected decimals:

Still looking for the loop:


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