Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Reading about recent exchanges in the House of Connons with respect
to sanctions for those who may have abused the CERB. The conumdrum went
something like this: one Member of the Opposition pointing out that extreme sanctions were
racist because likely to affect non-whites in particular. Another Member of the Opposition
claiming that the belief that non-whites were more likely to be frauders was itself
racist. Oh! hum!

All this brought back to me notions current in the 70s, namely Critical Theory as espoused
by Herbert Marcuse. The key concept is repressive tolerance. Here is the kernel of it:
certain kinds of tolerance are actually forms of political repression. To want to look the other
way on Blacks addicted to drugs, or condone it, is actually conterproductive. George Floyd
should not have been around on a work day, in a muscle shirt at 46 years of age, doing drugs.
Period. He should have been in a sports shirt and chinos going to work...Dude is father of
five children!!

Marcuse never spun it quite like that - he thought the sexual revolution was repressive -
but we need to see straight to ge through certain dsifficulties. Hum!!

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