Friday, August 14, 2020


Lipedema appears to be something of an underground disease,
affecting mainly women. Below, from the French-language

I, personally, do not know anything about it.

*     *     *
One thing that is clear is that fat deposition is quite
different in men and women; and this might go back to
evolutionary reasons.

Men amass visceral fat; that is fat around the central organs of the body.
This acts to protect from hunger, and there is always energy available
to a man. Women accumulate subcutaneous fat, around the hips, legs
and arms. This preserves warmth in all conditions. This difference is still
quite visible in modern times.

What I found interesting: accumulated fat in the body is not stagnant, but 
continually replaced. This is why the number of fat cells a person has tends to be

Waist circumference is a better predictor of possible mortality from hesrt
conditions than BMI. One can actually look up one's BSI Body Shape Index.

(From the German Language Wikipedia)

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