Sunday, August 9, 2020

Rice Ks

Been following the journey of Amberlynn Reid on YouTube
as she faced a cancer diagnosis, and operation. She made some tough
decisions in her life, and seems to be going through it all
with sanity and determination. Kudos from me!

The thing about cancer in younger people, as I understand it,
is that a person 'gets' perhaps one cancer a day, every day. Because, at bottom,
cancer comes from radiation hitting cells, and disrupting normal replication
patterns. One ends up with a cancer growth when, for whatever reason, the body
never cleaned up the intital breakdown, which it is quite capable of doing.
This is where one's health regimen comes in. Is one eating properly for
a well nourished - and well-performing - immune system. Is one moving right,
so that the mechanical functions within the body, such as veinous return in the legs,
or lymph drainage occur. This is where lifestyle review comes in.

Below, I have just downloaded Microsoft Sway, which is a (free) productivity app.
One can put together a presentation in no time, from existing materials and
by adding a bit of text!!

I remember going a little crazy when I hit thirty, signing up for dance classes,
embracing an anti-cancer heart-healthy diet, overnight. (I used to do pizza in my
twenties, and none of the thin crust nonsense either. Real pizza!) These things were just
becoming fashionable at that time. It was a chore, but I felt I was holding the
forces of chaos at bay. In retrospect, I did the best that could be expected for
the times.

Half the battle, to my mind, is giving up things that are no longer age appropriate.
For example, I gave up breakfast cereal when I started grade school, in favour of toast
and an ocasional egg. i still liked cereal, but I was done with being a little kid.
Interestingly, I have gone back to it now that I am a senior: I'll have a bowl of Rice
Krispies with milk at bedtime. It's fun; that was a great favorite
for me back then. So this is a nostalgia experience, and I'll indulge once in a while.
But I well know I shouldn't live there, because who wants to be senile...

                                         *     *     *
Very easy to use!!

Exploring alternative medicine:

                                        *     *     *

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