Monday, August 24, 2020


Are we being sissies about waiting for Phase 3 results
before allowing any vaccination. In the news today, China
has been vaccinating some people, of course,  since July: border
patrol and health workers. Which with Russia brings a good chunk of
Asia going ahead.

I have to admit I find this prospect alluring. Hard to tell without
being fully in on the reserch, but I do recall reading that an earlier
Sars phase 3 trial had shown that the vaccine in that case had augmented
transmission. Could that not be bcause the vaccinated became bolder.
A vaccine does not stop one from 'getting it'; it just helps the body fight the virus
off. So the vaccinated might well be gettig it more, but in turn, not enough
for themselves becoming agents of transmission. Makes sense...

I sometimes feel we are being forced into the textbook case, rather than the
textbook serving us during an economically catastrophic pandemic!!

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