Thursday, August 13, 2020

The Choice

So, Kamala Harris is the chosen one...

At 77, Joe Biden has hinted that he might not do more
than one mandate. In case or illness, or death, his vp should be
one capable of replacing him in the number one job.

Thus, this might well be how the US gets a first woman President.

There has been a lot of  beating around the bush on a woman
and the top job. Hillary Clinton was the wife of a President. Donald
Trump has been keeping his daughter as an adviser in the White House,
an unusual policy, to say the least. And now Joe Biden choosing someone
who had initially run against him for the nomination. It is not an easy job
and would require nerves of steel, and an imperviousness to criticism
rarely seen in a woman.

Biden has indicated that he considers himself a facilitator candidate. He helped
Obama through his years as President, and might make things possible for
a woman, next.  The american electorate will need to weigh its options.

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