Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Building Blocks

 Found this very interesting bit of science news, last night. the building

blocks for the genetic code of life on Earth were found in a meteorite. What!?

Meteorites, as far as we know, come from the Asteroid Belt!!

Not really saying life dropped to earth; more likely, in my view, these little chemical

wonders also formed on Earth, and here, came to serve evolving life in

a wet environment. (Or maybe, they really are an import and this is why

they need to be assembled here on earth). Fascinating...


Scientists find DNA's code for life in meteorites (

                                      *     *     *

Lyse and her friend cynthia just reported in on Facebook from their 

Costa Rica vacation. Happy, if a little wet, Ouf! (Poor Lyse actually sprained 

her ankle the day before leaving.)

Breakfast, I presume...

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