Wednesday, April 13, 2022



A bit of hang wringing, here in Canada. It appears

that our Military might have offered training to a unit

of the Ukrainian military that was indeed Nazi, having

participated in the assault on Russia in WW2. Not

a good look, to say the least!

But then, i have also been pondering President Putin's claim

that this action in Ukraine was a 'noble' cause for Russia,

defending Russian-speakers still in Ukraine and securing borders

for the future. 'It was the right decision'. 

The aims were noble, but were the means!? This is war mongering ie

defending military action as a legitimate tool of diplomacy. Belongs

to another era, in my book. Just move a couple of million people out

of the way so we can get on with it...

And now that Sweden and Finland are considering NATO membership,

new actionable threats about getting creative with Russia's borders.

I am too young to have a real-time grasp of how the Cold War came into

being - but for the giggle - it seems to have been a case of geography is everything.

Russia fought off those nasty Nazis to the West, and France and co fought

them off to the East. Did it have to come to this!!??

                                                    *     *     *

Le Canada a formé des éléments d’un régiment ukrainien lié à l’extrême droite | Guerre en Ukraine |

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