Monday, April 11, 2022


 They're going to beat my girl Marine Le Pen again. Yes,

she will be on the second ballot for the French Presidency

because she scored a solid second to Emmanuel Macron (and

this, for the second election in a row). But already voices are

clamoring that not a vote should go to her, because she represents

the 'extreme' right.

So how extreme is she!? Well, there is no one of any weight to the right 

of her, true. But the narrative she represents is starting to look like

standard conservative fare. A member of the European Parliament, she 

proposes a France first position and has even considered seeing France leave 

the EU in the past. She currently opts for a revamped EU, possibly with Britain 

as a member.

What would she be like as President. In my view, solid as anything. And this is

my chagrin that we will never see it. What is problematic for her is that she

seems welded to the political party she heads, and has been there like, forever.

This is not how modern politics rolls. Those who seek high office change parties,

create new alliances; in short, are terribly pragmatic about getting elected.

Heck, she's a even got a law degree...

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