Wednesday, January 18, 2023


 We seem to be in the midst of a rather odd debate about

drinking alcohol and health. The most recent health guidelines recommend

as litte alcohol as possible, with risk increasing with quantity. There is

no safe level of alcohol consumption.

What strikes me about this discussion is what is missing. Dionysus was the god

of the wine harvest in Antiquity, and the revelries of the non-harvest season

were party season, and also laid the ground for theater and the arts...

          for mortals from their pains

          you have opened a haven without toils.

Striking again in all this is the quantities quibble: better none, one glass for

women, two for men.

No one in Antiquity would have drunk wine without an admixture of water.

Three parts water to one part wine. Not following this rule could lead to

violent behaviour, and even death.(Do say!!) Even those beer-making monks

in the Middle Ages were drinking beer ten times less strong than what

we are sold today!

Finally, there is the reference of both sides of the debate to the American

Guidelines, toutes as most informed. What strikes me about those is they are in 

very simple language, and come in a Spanish version. Below:

Facts about moderate drinking | CDC

Alcohol doesn't change, but the composition of the population does. Folks are older,

and many are from different cultures and traditions.

Voilà. I have had my say on the matter.

                                                         *     *     *

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