Friday, January 20, 2023


 Installed Bandicam screen recorder, and sarted working with the

debugger in PyCharm, to better see how the code in our fractal tree runs.

Below, run1:


The red dots are the breakpoints on the debugger, asking the program to stop.

Here, I've ended up just running 'stepover' continuously. One gets to see how it is

always the first function, with a decreasing length variable, that runs over and over

until the condition is met. 

We are then forced to backtrack - in green - with serial attemps to go forward again...

                                                      *     *     *

I was asked to explain why the tree only branches in twos. This eventually led me

to download a very powerful tool to look at the execution of the code. It is called

Snoop; can be installed with pip, and run with an import statement and a snoop decorator.

The output is what happens at every step of the code...



Thr clue to th whole thing seems to that - once the condition is triggered - control 

goes back to the lst call to the branch function, which is then stepped over!

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