Sunday, January 22, 2023


 I have been following, for some time, the story on lipedema, a fat

metabolism problem that affects primarily women. The latter can accumulate

large amounts of deformed fat in the lower body, which no amount of

conventional dieting can get rid of. Strikingly, some 10% of women are

now said to be suffering from ths condition, something quite unheard of in my

youth. So what could be going on, here.

I think I might have a clue. Below, a description of the mechnism of formation

of lipedema ie 'watery fat'.


There it is, enlarged fat cells; cells that are gorged with fat. I remember reading that one

has all the fat cells one is ever going to have by adolescence; one cannot create anymore. 

These women must have gained weight in adulthood and strained to store it all. This

would be consistent to higher numbers with this condition in an aging poulation. And these

women then enter the vicious cycle of dieting and discouragement which only makes things 


In Europe, women who reach an obesity level BMI of 40 and have symptoms of lipedema are

told to get weight loss surgety. But care is taken to incorporate lipdema treatment

at the same time.

Learn More About Bariatric Surgery in Lipedema Patients | Lipedema

Knowledge is power, ladies!

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