Saturday, July 22, 2017

C. Evans

The BBC created a bit of a stir this week by divulging the salaries
of its highest paid employees. Top of the list, one Chris Evans. So,
to investigate, googled the name.

The prominent image for Chris Evans:

Nice looking chap, an actor. Going to Wikipedia, the Chris Evans I was looking for is actually
this person, and he works on radio. Paid 3.6 million $CD per year
The clincher(as stated in Wikipedia):

The audience grew as the breakfast format became more outrageous: humiliating assistant Holly Samos by repeatedly asking her about her sex life (Evans and Samos were reportedly in a relationship at periods through their time working together), and encouraging two female guests to perform a strip show on live radio.[13] The show's highest listening figure reached 7.5 million.[14]

šŸ˜You can't make that sort of thing up. I love Britain! 

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