Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Shoulder Update

I remember it well, my fall from last winter. It occurred on December 9, and wasn't a regular
fall but a fall in a snow storm. I've fallen quit a bit over the years, from learning to bicycle
and skate as a child, to loosing traction on ice as an adult, and have always bounced back. My last fall on a hip took years to completely stop hurting, but it has!!

Thinking back, this fall was different in one respect: it happened fast and I fell heavily, like being pushed by the wind. It was a climate change fall, completely unexpected.

Well, it won't happen again; these days, I'm checking for precipitation and wind gusts
before I venture out... and I'm going winter boot browsing today, looking for threads.

Movement in all directions is back in my shoulder, and strength is okay; just the occasional
muscular twinge. And day by day, symmetry is coming back between my two shoulders.
Not about to forget, though. 👧