Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A View

Personally, I feel rather comforted by the thought that Donald
Trump - and American Conservatives - are steering through this North Korea
crisis. It was a Democrat President - Harry S.Truman - who ordered Hiroshima.
Indeed Truman was very much a New Deal Democrat, with all kinds of things
to his credit: desegregating the Armed Forces, the Marshall Plan, the United Nations
and so on. But he also brought on the Cold War and the Bomb.

On the down side, the US just sold a few billion's worth of military equipment
to South Korea. Really!! The current deadlock seems to act as an ad campaign
for arms deals. Which North Korea might eventually profit from itself. Because
diplomatically, this seems to be one of the few outlets for this otherwise sanctioned
country. North Korea becomes the car lot for second order nuclear arms out of Asia.

One thing North Korea is assuredly not fronting about is just how dangerous arms
have become. The US talks as if it had merely maintained the status quo all those years
since the Armistice between the Koreas. It has not. Every year brings out a new set
of War capabilities, and to say this is unnerving on the putative  'other' side is to
understate it. What started out as pep talk on how North Korea would one day have its
very own nuclear capability has since become the core mandate of the Kim Dynasty.
What could be driving such frantic effort to complete at this particular time needs to
be identified.

In any event, all those with knowledge of life in Korea and hopes for a true resolution
for the peoples of the Peninsula seem to agree on one thing: the two Koreas need to forge
closer ties.

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