Monday, September 18, 2017


North Korea has an easy target in the United States
as the author of their many woes. But they also need to -
periodically - use judgement in who and what is leading the US
at any time. The Trump administration is very different
from the Obama team. All this to say that crying wolf
won't get them very far in the context of the current UN meetings.
Everybody else is there to court the new Wolf, as well.

An interesting outcome for them might be, to agree to an arms
disclosure protocol. They have had inspectors before, from the
Union of Concerned Scientists. They should agree to a visit from someone
they trust, to report back on their current strength. All nuclear powers
submit to this; it is a condition of being part of the Club.

A visit, I might add, which should be addressed through diplomatic circles
rather than to Kim Jong-un via the world press. Might get somewhere...

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