Sunday, September 24, 2017


Not stepping on the scale. Went through that at a younger age.
It sits on one's conscience, like a piece of undone homework; but ego
rationalizes it. Pants getting a bit tighter - maybe shrunk in the wash -
I'm not a slave to that THING. A few comments from acquaintances;
the thinness police, I'm no slave to that either. I'll just CUT BACK - I
know where my limits are - and things will fall back into place. It's all about
MODERATION  and right now I'm enjoying moderate amounts of foods
I enjoy, and which are part of the national diet.

So maybe I gained a few; still looking good, feeling healthy and
energetic. How bad can it be; I can make it to next summer, it's a
bit of vacation from the TYRANNY of the scale. Don't care, really really
don't care; fighting the scale jokes are cute, part of social existence.

There is a remedy. It does not involve going to the doctor and having
HIM do it, that fascist.

On a clear morning, get into the bathroom with the scale and talk to yourself.
You're going to thank yourself having done it, because the stress of not
knowing will be gone and you will be honest with yourself once more. DO IT,
and thank yourself. And the hurt kid, and everyone else involved in this episode.
Write the date and number on a piece of paper, and make a date for your next weigh-in,
sometime before Christmas. Aiming for no heavier than today. Put the paper away.

THAT'S a scale vacation!

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