Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Gâteau soufflé

Made a cake. Because we didn"t really have much of a summer.
We had twice the rain of last year, and it was colder than normal pretty
much the whole time. And now they tell us it is over: don't hope
for a spat of hot weather, either.

The cake is a soufflé cheesecake; half the calories of actual cheesecake
and a soufflé texture because there are five eggs. Smells nice:

                                                                 *     *     *

I'll be having some this evening, once it has chilled in the refrigerator...

                                                              *     *     *

                            LEMON SOUFFLÉ CHEESECAKE
                                                 calorie count

250 grams    cream cheese                     640
300 ml          condensed milk                1300
1 tsp             vanilla                                   24
5                   eggs                                    400
1                   lemon                                   17
2 tblsp          flour                                      56

Total                                                        2437
1 piece                                                      305
                                                             *     *     *

I thought I was too old and jaded to be surprised by a cake, but I was wrong.
This cake is totally unique, with a very strong lemon flavour. The texture really
is a hybrid cheesecake and soufflé. Would recommend.

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