Friday, September 14, 2018


Friday morning, and we are under a grey haze in the Montreal
region. It's the hurricane Florence system for us as well!

                                             *     *     *

The possibility of a Category 6 hurricane is being currently discussed.
A near certainty, one might have already occured.

The essential feature would be sustained winds of over 200mph. Such
a wind strip trees of their bark. The swell that accompanies such a wind
could make Tampa Florida disappear under water!
                                           *     *     *

On the human side of things, one of the six local Waffle House restaurants
in Willmington NC stayed opened through the whole thing. They have
gas stoves, and candles at the tables. No coffee, but the ham sandwiches
come with hash browns.

Yo, Waffle House 💪

source: Libération

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