Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Hot C

This is all too easy and dangerous: I now know
how to make café moka (chocolate-flavoured coffee).
Found the recipe on the Web; works perfectly:

So there is the secret to cocoa powder perfectly blended
with the coffee. One mixes the powder with sugar - in a 1:2 ratio -
in the bottom of the cup. One then adds the coffee which
has been brewed separately. Then the milk.

How does it taste? Smooth, if a little bland. To my taste, better with
a few specks of cinnamon and a touch of vanilla. Hot, perhaps steamed
milk could be nice. Who would say no to whipped cream?

So I made the basic drink yesterday, with just cold milk from
the fridge. Then the French side of my personnality kicked in
and I made raisin toast with butter. That is the true French breakfast:
butter, on a baguette or biscottes, with hot milk, chocolate, café
au lait.

Indeed, I was tempted to have another go this morning, but no. Fall
begins on Sunday, September 23 this year, which is late on the calendar,
but same old planet. I'll make it then, for the blog.

Upscale French restaurants also offer chunks of expensive milk chocolate
melted in expresso but that would be getting ahead of myself; that would
be Christmas!

                                    *     *     *

The below text is explicit about it: the September Solciste is
a moment in time; that when the Earth is perfectly rightside up with
respect to the Sun. Because the Earth tilts back and forth, this
happens twice  per year, at the Spring and Autumn equinox.

The duration of Earth's orbital transit is expressed in days, which is a
different physical phenomenon ie the rotation of the planet on itself.
Both are physical processes, which evolve over long time periods.
For the last 400 years, the Earth has orbited the Sun in 365.2425 days.
Our civil calendar has 7 months of 31 days, 5 of 30 and one of 28 which
becomes 29 every four years. 2020 will be a Leap year.

The effect on the moment will vary by 6 hours every year, and the date
will clap back one every four years.

One needs to account for differences from Universal Time as well.
This year's equinox will be on September 23 in Europe, but on the
22nd in Canada because the moment is being read to two different

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