Saturday, September 29, 2018

Talking Brexit

So BoJo - Boris Johnson - has just come out to argue
that the best Brexit deal might just be a Super Canada accord;
that is, one modelled on the EU deal Canada has
now entered. I just new knew were part of this Brexit thing
all along.

The ins and outs of just how expensive and disruptive various scenarios
might be for England is beyond my purview, but let us consider for a moment
the possibility that Mr Johnson might be on to something in another
register. From the point of view of International Relations, what is Canada
with respect to the UK: an ex-colony whose head of state is to this day
a stand-in for the British Crown. And the Crown controls quite a bit of the
wealth of England, indirectly witholding it from public trade.

All this might seem of academic interest in the day-to-day of trading
Tim Tams and auto parts, but International Relations is about more than
that. Mr Johnson might be trying to say that the UK's trading arrangements
should make geo-political sense. Perhaps we should be sensitive to that.

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