Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Nott fôte!! I'm not buying into the notion that the current
stalemate on NFTA is primarily the fault of Quebec, because the
largest milk industry is in our province. If there is a malevolent
will to crack that, it must eventually spread to all sectors that
practice supply management.

One does need to be sensitive to the wider context, and that
is trade relations with China, and the need to get every one on
board. It is time for China to open its internal market to the world,
and engage fairly in technology transfer.

Where does Canada stand: we need to get clear, at least internally.
                                                       *     *     *

Thursday, September 6,  2018.

Young farmers  are currently demonstrating at Justin Trudeau's
Montreal office. News to me, Canada has already conceded quite a
bit on Supply Management, allowing large quantities of cheese to
be imported from the European Union. Further concessions were made
for the Pacific Partnership thinking the US would be covered, but the
latter left the partnership and want concessions for themselves alone.
It is becoming all too much...

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