Wednesday, October 31, 2018


I had something of an epiphany about my identity the other day.
I was born in early December, and always thought of myself as a Winter
baby. But in strict astronomical terms, I was born in the Fall. So I am
actually a Fall person.

Couple that with the fact that, like most people of my age, my youth
was spent listening to the radio, which was always on in the house and
pretty much everywhere one went. Like the supermarket or the pharmacy.
So that my mind is filled with scraps of tunes and lyrics from innumerble songs.

I might not always remember my current phone number, but there are things
one never forgets.


                                             *     *     *

Below, a cookie recipe using chocolate candy:

                                            *     *     *
 I outdid myself: prepared one envelope of orange diet jell-o
with the requisite 1 cup of  boiling water, and one small can
of fruit salad. It's firm and totally appetizing!

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


President Trump does speak uneasy truths sometimes:
 Canada profits on Defense, and gets to prosper from
its safe place next to a militarized US.

Reading about the current debate within the Democratic party,
where the Progressives are challenging the Moderates with policies
of universal healthcare and a strong minimum wage, pretty
much dead center ideas here in Canada.

For the record: 15$ US is 19.70 CD!

In terms of PPP, Canada gets a 3% boost.

                                           source: Wikipedia on Canada

                                            source: Wikipedia on the USA
                                          source: Wikipedia on China

Monday, October 29, 2018

One Week Challenge

Good to know: you are stranded on a desert island
with a Wendy's restaurant for one week. How ever will you
survive, on three meals a day max? And not gaining weight...

                                                       *     *     *

Pitbull dogs, it turns out, are a cross-breed of terriers and bulldogs.
Both breeds can be quite aggressive and - historically - were developed
to foster those characteristics. From Wikipedia:

Sunday, October 28, 2018


Libération - always admirably politically correct - is running an
editorial on the rise of 'national populism' today. A bit strong for
my taste. Even going along with the nuanced piece, I would ultimately
disagree, because I think there is more going on than identity politics. Even if - by
some miracle  - all the concerned countries did the right thing politically, the
rash of problems we are currently experiencing with hate crimes - and
actual hate-motivated actions - would not disappear.

Social media and the Web have created an enlarged sphere of intimacy,
wherein all manner of extreme opinion finds a home. This creates an entirely
new situation ( not helped by America's stubborn refusal to restrain gun ownerhip).
In my view...

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Farm Work

I can't say I fully understand how Megyn Kelly
got into this 'blackface' problem (claiming the practice was
innocent for things like Halloween costumes) but I do now
it is high time for America to mature on the whole race isue.

Why did America import Africans to work the fields? Because
the Native American population was dying off from European diseases
and there was no one to do the work. This genetic frailty is also why the
Mestizos (a mixture of European and Native ancestry) are currently
dominant in Central America: not because they intermarried, but because
those who didn't died. So the current 'caravan' is full of partly European,
partly Indigenous people.

The notion of wage labour and civic freedom seems evident to us but
it was not always so. From Roman times on, keeping a reliable work
force on the land was always a problem, certainly so on French territory.
It took 1800 years to find a solution...

Friday, October 26, 2018


Every once in a while, I check the weather on the actual
Environment Canada site...

Today looks like a good day for a walk!

Still stoked about Halloween, though:

*     *     *

Thursday, October 25, 2018


More information has been showing up on the Web about the
migrant caravan moving up from Central America, and it is interesting.
This is the first spontaneous caravan, one that is not been organized
by groups working in those in those countries. Because, historically, people
seeking refuge have been told to move in caravans of a few hundred for safety
purposes. They were politically vulnerable people fleeing their countries.

The current phenomen is of another ilk. It's more of an 'Who is up for
pizza?' moment. The discontent hear about a growing caravan, and they
decide to join in. What's the worst that can happen? They don't get
through. Entirely different.

I'm far from all this, of course. Writing from the other border here in Canada.
Why wouldn't I move to the US. Yes, it might be  fun place to live, and there is
better climate in the South but it is morally  very different country. They have
the most powerful army in the world, a  Space program. You are ordered to go
to the Moon, you go! Pretty serious business. I don't now that I am that tough.

Just saying...

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Plans are being readied to light up the city of Chengdu in Sichuan province,
China with an artificial moon. A satellite - 500 kilometers up - would reflect light
down on the city - 50 square kilometers of it - for a saving of 220 million dollars per
year in electricity.

source: Météo Média

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


Came across an interesting article on MSN GB about Vancouver:
a lot of money from China!!


source: Libération October 19, 2018
author: Frédéric Autran
translation: doxa-louise

Obama remains the star of the Democratic Party

The ex-president is being heard from again for the midterms. But his 

backing and influence are not without risks for candidates.

‘Obama is back’. Thanks to a particularly pugnacious speech in early 
September delivered at the university of Illinois, the ex-president is back 
in the political arena. With but a few weeks to go to a crucial vote, Obama 
is using his talents as a speaker and personal charisma to stir the conscience 
of Democrats. «You need to vote because our democracy depends on it», 
he extolled, criticizing explicitly Donald Trump for the first time since 
the beginning of his presidency. Good-bye Obama the wise man above-it-all, 
hello the huckster. The 44th president of the United States  maintains a 
level of popularity to enrage his successor: 63% favorable with 95% 
among Democrats, according to a Gallup Poll from June 2017.


The media response to Obama’s political come-back shows the crying 
lack of leadership in the Democratic camp. Still traumatized by the slap 
in the face from Republicans in 2016, the party remains weighed down 
by internal divisions between centrists and progressives, living memory 
of the killer primary between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. If it is 
going into the midterms as the favorite and with the hope of a ‘blue wave’ 
that could give it a majority in the House of Representatives, the Democratic 
party owes this advantage more to Donald Trump than to itself. Contempt 
for the current president is today the only common ground between the different 
factions within the party.

The leadership of the party are almost all over 65, if not 70, and the 
majority, men and women, are white. Yet, all the energy of Democrats 
at the moment comes from young people, mostly women, and minorities, says 
David Andersen, Political Science professor at the university of Iowa. This 
old guard should let go but seems determined to hold on to power.’

In the eyes of many, Nancy Pelosi represents this refusal of renewal. At 78, 
with thirty years as a representative and fifteen as leader of the Democrats, 
the representative from California shows no sign of wanting to pass the flame. 
Some sixty elected and candidate members have expressed their refusal to vote 
for her for president of the House should the Democrats gain control. but this 
opposition would not be enough to stop her election. ‘Dethroning Pelosi would 
be one of the best things Democrats could do’, argues David Andersen. More 
moderate in her approach, political scientist Ruth Bloch Rubin, fro the university 
of Chicago, finds ‘very unfair’ the attacks on Pelosi, yet still recognizes that ‘the 
Democratic leadership, who belong to the old guard, no doubt do not share the 
same priorities or sensibilities as the younger generation’.

With leaders that are too divisive, too little charismatic or too old, the 
Democratic party thus relies on Barack Obama, the only person today who 
can fill this void. Since the beginning of September, the 57 year old president 
has amassed meetings. He has also given his endorsement, a kind of official 
pass, to more than 340 candidates across the country. This personal involvement, 
rare on the part of an ex-president, is nonetheless something that can backfire, 
according to Ruth Bloch Rubin: ‘Obama can no doubt bring out a segment of the 
Democratic vote, but if he becomes too visible, this can also galvanize the Republican 
base, which detests him still’. Yet does Barack Obama have a choice in the matter? 
His recent decision to implicate himself more is totally necessary. He owes it 
to the party because he is largely responsible for this leadership vacuum, points 
out David Andersen. Obama ran a solo presidency. He built around himself 
an extremely strong campaign team but never tried to become the leader of 
the party or develop it.’ With the result: during the Obama era, the Democratic 
party was splintered, loosing more than 1 000 seats in Congress and at the local 
level, in particular during the devastating 2010 midterms.

Now that the campaign of Democratic primaries for the 2020 presidential 
election nears, there are at least ten names of potential candidates. If it is too 
early to predict who Trump will be up against in two years’ time, Obama wants 
a say in the matter. According to Politico, he has secretly met with this year, in 
secret, at least nine possibles, from the more progressives (Bernie Sanders and 
Elizabeth Warren) to the more centrist (Joe Biden). With what in mind? ‘One 
of the difficulties for the Democrats is to avoid prolonged primaries, wherein the 
candidates would present attacks the Republicans could later use. Barack Obama 
is perhaps trying to clear the field, by advising certain younger people to hold 
off becoming candidates’, guesses Ruth Bloch Rubin. From the sidelines, the 
ex-president seems to be dreaming of becoming king-maker.

Monday, October 22, 2018


Not surprisingly, scientific studies on alcoholism and gut
health show that those who consume a  great deal of alcohol
end up with non-healthy gut microbiomes. I say not surprisingly because
those studies are starting out with the desire to nail alcohol consumption
as an unhealthy practice, and they find the evidence to further their cause.
But what about a more general question. Is consuming alcohol always  a bad
idea, or can it be helpful in certain circumstances. So what is my starting
point here? Merely this, that alcohol is a fermented drink and fermented foods
are currently the cat's meow in the emerging field of concern about
the gut biome. So can consuming alcohol be a good thing. I actually think I might
have accidentally aided myself in doing just that.

The elderly do have time on their hands to worry about strange stuff. Ever since
I took antibiotics last summer to deal with a bug bite, I have been loosing a little
weight every day and feeling gut empty. As in with a totally flat stomach. Just
couldn't seem to be ble to stop this. Tried yogurt and cookies, but just felt bad,
I assume, from the sugar.  Then I had a glass of red wine the other night, something
I hadn't done in years. Made me very light-headed and pretty nauseous, but by the
next day, my gut felt a lot better. A few days in, and I am back to normal. So the
question I asked myself is: is an alcoholic drink a fermented food,
for gut health purposes. It is not clear to me that it can't be, because a fermented food
is one where all the available sugar has been used up by the fermentation process.

Nor does this contradict the finding of leaky gut syndrome in alcoholics. So a lot of
alcohol changes the proportions of different kinds of micro-organisms in our
digestive system. Fine.

An interesting issue to follow!

                                               *     *     *

L'acide lactique est un acide organique qui joue un rôle dans divers processus biochimiques. Un lactate est un sel de cet acide (ou autrement dit la forme ionisée de l'acide lactique)

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Long Winter

The current apprent crisis on nuclear disarmement, wherein the
US is withdrawing from a ban on intermedite weapons, and Russia
is developing them all the while  accusing the US of lying about the
offensive capabilities of its defensive weapons, has another layer. In a
word China. and by extension South Korea and Japan. China never
was part of the agreement, and merrily developed weapons in this
range which the US is currently bound by treaty not to counter.

Long winter ahead...


Finally, I understand why practice makes perfect; because
the brain re-enforces a connection that is used often with
more myelin. So future calls get through more quickly.
From below:

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Great Show!

Lyse and her girlfriends - Red Moon Rebels - played at the Bistro de Paris
in Montreal last night, to a very appreciative audience.
Even the lads in the boy band to follow were enthused. The instrument
mix is suggestive: lead and base guitar(Lyse), trumpet, trombone, tambourine,
drums and they performed quite a few numbers from reggae to jazz,
covers and orginals.

When the first song came on, I couldn't help but cry. It was a
Bob Marley number I used to listen to with friends 45 years ago; and
they played it perfectly, sober and angelic...

Loved my evening. Thank you, Lyse 💖

Friday, October 19, 2018


from : Libération

A punk classic gets a new cover:

The American midterms... who knew?

                                           *     *     *

The original RR, from the 1980s. very balanced guitar work!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Postal Rates

The US a withdrawing from internal post agreements. This will penalize Third World
countries, and China in particular,


Just as I was starting to despair of finding anything new and fresh
in the cinema, up comes Love Addict, a gem of a French movie, made by
and starring young - the lead is 26 - actors. It is a romantic comedy, 
only the conventions of the genre have been dusted off, and the 
ride gets taken for a spin.

Take your shirt off!

Liked the old uncle who wants to get into prostitution, He looks like Patrick 
Swayze. only dances better.

And our heroine, who binge drinks and likes John Travolta, and not
quite sure WHAT happened last night.

While those young men from San Francisco too shy to talk to girls (played
by You Tubers) do seem a new breed of funny!

Cannabis Canada

Cannabis goes legal in Canada today… I should
order a pizza!


                                       *     *     *

The law is strict about smoking and driving: zero tolerance. But
smells do linger. Is there a test for c-intoxication, or am I being


                                       *     *     *
Read an interesting short yesterday, on Cyberpresse, about lactose intolerance. 

Worldwide, 60% of the population still finds it hard to digest milk products but, among
European populations, this is a mere 10%.

With a little more digging, found out that l-intolerance is not an absolute
thing, but exists in degrees. It all comes down to how much of the digestive
enzyme lactase one’s body is able to produce.

For the intolerant, though, life can be miserable. There are milk by-products
in quite a few products, soups, crackers and so on. Other than by the severity
of symptoms, one can ask for a diagnostic test for hydrogen on one’s breath
a few hours after eating dairy. If hydrogen levels are high, it has built up in

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Deficit US

source: Le Monde
author Arnaud Leparmentier
translation: doxa-louise

The American Budgetary Deficit at its Hightest since 2012

For the year ending September 2018, the deficit has soared to 3,9% of the
United States Gross Domestic Product.

The yearly annual American deficit reached 779 billion dollars (672 billion euros)
for the year ending September 30, 2018, thus 3,9% of Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) as opposed to 3,5% the previous year (666 billion dollars). That is a large
number, given ten years of a strong economy. Donald Trump’s America should
break through the 1 000 billion deficit - 5% of current GDP - before the next 
presidential election in 2020, according to the New York Times.

In any event, even if it is not quite as bad as expected, the 2018 deficit is the highest 
since 2012 and can be explained by higher expenses and a stagnation in 

These only progressed by 0,4% because of the fiscal reform voted at the end of 
2017 by Congress: it called for higher taxes on incomes limited to 1% but more 
importantlylower corporate taxes by 31%. The latter saw their nominal taxation 
rate fall from 35% to 21%, as well as a total deductibility of investments. In a 
period of sustained growth and given full-employment (3,7% unemployment on 
the active population), tax revenues should have been stronger.

Expenses, however, went up by 3%. Debt servicing, now at approximately 20 000 
billion dollars, went up by 14% (370 billion dollars). Followed by higher military 
expenses worth 6% (700 billion dollars) and social security and public health 
(+4%, 1 950 billion) because of, primarily, an aging population.

Letting Go of all Budget Retraint

At least the American President did keep one promise, that of having less government. 
The expense rate for the Federal State went from 20,7% to 20,3% in one year while
fiscal revenue went down even more, going from 17,2% to 16,5%.

The figures confirm the abandon by Republicans of all budget restraint, while they 
had combatted without fail the budgetary stimulus wanted by Barack Obama after  the
economic downturn caused by the financial crisis of 2008. The tendency is toward yet more loosening next year, where midterm elections are not expected to be fought
with a return to orthodoxy: if they win, the Democrats might well ask for an investment 
program - that promised by Donald Trump in his presidential run being nowhere to be 
seen - while if they keep control of Congress, Republicans might want to make 
permanent if not go further with the tax cuts agreed on in 2017.

Revenues from border tariffs went up by 6,7 billion dollars ( approximately 20%), to reach
41,3 billion. Easy to see, the impact on GDP is a mere 0,034% of GDP. Because the
new measures were late being voted but also because they are not very significant in 
macroeconomic terms. Their true import will be felt in a few years’ time on the 
productivity of enterprise, if these tariffs impact investment in enterprise.

Notwithstanding, results remain a calamity for the trade deficit, getting worse because 
of the good health of the American economy and strong consumption by households. 
For the first eight months of the year, it has gone from 530 to 574 billion dollars 
( about 4,3% of GDP) while the deficit in the balance strictly for goods and services 
worsened slightly going from 360 to 391 billion dollars. As recently noted by the 
Los Angeles Times, Donald Trump no longer talks much about trade deficits: ’No 
doubt because they are getting worse.’

My C.

Gee, this feels just like...

Monday, October 15, 2018


Il the Carcassone region, it is normal to get 50 to 60 mms of
rain for the month of October. They got 180 mms at one go!!

source: Wikipedia

Sunday, October 14, 2018


One of the most dramatic flips in cultutre in my life
experience has to do with movies. Used to be movies were
potential masterpieces of univeral appeal. Once
identified, a director of talent would be given some
resources and told to make one, to be eventually
rewarded with an Oscar and, in Europe,  serious consideration
by critics.

Am I the only one to have noticed this: today's big budget movies
are niche topics, preachy and boring. They are compromised from the
get-go by their subject or message, what might have been  made-for-
television healthy fare in earlier times. And forget the critics: films are
assessed in the financial column, so many millions invested, so many
returned in x weeks. Dreary business to be sure.

Thankfully, the human spirit fights back. One might find, wasting away
on YouTube, low-budget made-for-television stuff that is actually rather
good. I have two candidates below: the first, billed as a comedy, actually
brought me to tears, and is a brutal and lucid examination of mental
health issues. The second, in such colloquial French as to be hard to follow,
punched me out with a bombastic Québecois character as one of the gang.
A first, and rather funny!

As we, the forgotten of Web referrals like to say, Enjoy!

Saturday, October 13, 2018


Below, yet another YouTube uptake on the obesity issue.
There is an interesting element here. At one point,  a sociologist
of the body discusses the history of the pre-occupation with  the
overweight. He points out - and this is true for me as well - that in his childhood,
there were just some people who were 'des gros'. Nobody expected them to
change, body was destiny and they were accepted for who they were.
But then something happened in the late 1980s: all of a sudden, fat people
were expected to want to join the thins. And it would be morally corrupt of them
not to.

The program doesn't directly answer why or how this happened, but did
point out how - all of  sudden - people were taking planes everywhere and interacting
in public as never before, often then, as strangers. This might be part of the answer
as to how grossophobia came to be so prevalent. It is now a much smaller world, 
and body conformity is expected.


And it's tonight!

St-Jean-sur-Richelieu hosts an annual night
party with a string of invited DJs!

My local IGA even promises S'Mores and coffee till midnight...

Friday, October 12, 2018


Jean-Luc Mélenchon, defeated candidate at the last French
Presidential election, has apparently developed a bit of
an obsession with the notion that Emmanuel Macron made
six million phone calls in the three days before the election.
According to Libération, he did indeed. A pre-recorded message
was phoned in to home phone numbers, and a press 1
would activate the candidate's voice on why one should vote
for him. Otherwise, one was merely reminded to go
out and vote.

Reading about this reminded me that the CAQ candidate - now our
provincial prime minister - used the same technique in the recent provincial
election. And there was no invitation to press 1, either. Just the candidate's
voice to the effect that it was time for a change. I remember thinking
at the time that the CAQ was obviously on a roll, and expected to win.
I hung up on it.

Is there room for concern, here? Well, the narrative in the message was
off. Premier Couillard was wrapping four years in office, not that long.
Nor were we seeing a campaign about corruption in government. In fact,
the campaign had been close to issue-less. Why was it time!?

Election campaigns everywhere are taking on new modalities in the
digital age. Is there no concern about keeping things clean... and sane?

Royal W.

So I marked the Royal Wedding in my own way: abandonned
my usual black coffee for a mochachino, with a buttered bagel.
And oggled the clothes shamelessly on the Web.

This bride is a true royal, and her gown was awesome, and
expressed her personality perfectly. This is what is nice about
such public events: one gets to see clothes from the best artisans in a
real situation.

Loved it!’s-royal-wedding-dress-designer-revealed-as-she-ties-the-knot-with-jack-brooksbank/ar-BBOhiMZ?li=AAggNb9&ocid=spartandhp

Thursday, October 11, 2018


But diets don't work, the smart thinking goes.
Whether one is a hardened yoyo veteran - who has
regained, time and time again - or a pudgy novice, discouraged
at the prospect of ever getting one off the ground, the
(gasp) regimented, hungry obstacle course of
weight loss through diet has bad press.

Well here is one that does work, and recommended by
a nutritionist specialized in weight loss. It is also difficult
to follow, but will take off a few actual kilos in a hurry in an
emergency: an artist who needs to perfom, someone who needs
life-saving surgery.

How does it go? There are three meals to the day, each
consisting of two egg whites (one boils the eggs and discards
the yolks) and a 0% fat fromage blanc or yogurt. That is all!!
 One is not hungry. One can also walk off 200 calories per day,
but exercising while dieting is tiring. Be kind to yourself on these days.

The diet is good for a few days; a week absolute max.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Tuesday, October 9, 2018


Our local grocer has an absolute mountain of butternut squash on offer,
at a good price. And there are myriad ways to cook this wonder, described
on the net. Because I live alone most of the time, I choose to cook the
whole thing at once in the oven, and freeze in portion size. Thus in eight
chunks, on a plaque, with a bit of butter. At 350 F, this takes about an

One then has access to the pulp. It is very tasty as a savory; I had some
last night fried in the pan, like French Fries, with cayenne pepper. The
calorie count is surprisingly low: 45 per 100 grams, as opposed to 322
for 100 grams of potato.

It does come into its own in sweet dishes, however. And cinnamon enhances
its flavour and covers that (slight) multivitamin after taste…

                                                                           *     *     *

*     *     *

*     *     *

Monday, October 8, 2018


One of those things I never really understood: how toffee candy is

                                          *    *    *

And from my morning mail; Under Armour trying to get a handle on this
gender thing. Relax, you're doing fine…

Thursday, October 4, 2018


I watch a lot of weird things on YouTube. But this one - after I decided I was not
going to comment - has stayed with me. WT actual F is going on here; it all seems
just so sad for everyone concerned.

Religions need to get aerated, come into conctact with outside influences.
The penalty for not doing so seems to be the kinds of toxic outcomes we
are seeing here...

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Requests for asylum status to the European Community are
down sharply since 2015:

source: Libération

Monday, October 1, 2018

Document It

Not all tariffs have the same meaning or function.
Canada's tariff on foreign milk was a throw-away: so high
it meant no one would pay it, and Canadian milk
farmers could plan production in a sensible manner.

The current tariffs the US is imposing on aluminium
and steel do get paid, and will affect prices in its production
chain. The economic effects could be many, and need
to be documented.