Thursday, October 25, 2018


More information has been showing up on the Web about the
migrant caravan moving up from Central America, and it is interesting.
This is the first spontaneous caravan, one that is not been organized
by groups working in those in those countries. Because, historically, people
seeking refuge have been told to move in caravans of a few hundred for safety
purposes. They were politically vulnerable people fleeing their countries.

The current phenomen is of another ilk. It's more of an 'Who is up for
pizza?' moment. The discontent hear about a growing caravan, and they
decide to join in. What's the worst that can happen? They don't get
through. Entirely different.

I'm far from all this, of course. Writing from the other border here in Canada.
Why wouldn't I move to the US. Yes, it might be  fun place to live, and there is
better climate in the South but it is morally  very different country. They have
the most powerful army in the world, a  Space program. You are ordered to go
to the Moon, you go! Pretty serious business. I don't now that I am that tough.

Just saying...

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