Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Cannabis Canada

Cannabis goes legal in Canada today… I should
order a pizza!


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The law is strict about smoking and driving: zero tolerance. But
smells do linger. Is there a test for c-intoxication, or am I being


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Read an interesting short yesterday, on Cyberpresse, about lactose intolerance. 

Worldwide, 60% of the population still finds it hard to digest milk products but, among
European populations, this is a mere 10%.

With a little more digging, found out that l-intolerance is not an absolute
thing, but exists in degrees. It all comes down to how much of the digestive
enzyme lactase one’s body is able to produce.

For the intolerant, though, life can be miserable. There are milk by-products
in quite a few products, soups, crackers and so on. Other than by the severity
of symptoms, one can ask for a diagnostic test for hydrogen on one’s breath
a few hours after eating dairy. If hydrogen levels are high, it has built up in

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