Saturday, October 27, 2018

Farm Work

I can't say I fully understand how Megyn Kelly
got into this 'blackface' problem (claiming the practice was
innocent for things like Halloween costumes) but I do now
it is high time for America to mature on the whole race isue.

Why did America import Africans to work the fields? Because
the Native American population was dying off from European diseases
and there was no one to do the work. This genetic frailty is also why the
Mestizos (a mixture of European and Native ancestry) are currently
dominant in Central America: not because they intermarried, but because
those who didn't died. So the current 'caravan' is full of partly European,
partly Indigenous people.

The notion of wage labour and civic freedom seems evident to us but
it was not always so. From Roman times on, keeping a reliable work
force on the land was always a problem, certainly so on French territory.
It took 1800 years to find a solution...

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