Wednesday, October 31, 2018


I had something of an epiphany about my identity the other day.
I was born in early December, and always thought of myself as a Winter
baby. But in strict astronomical terms, I was born in the Fall. So I am
actually a Fall person.

Couple that with the fact that, like most people of my age, my youth
was spent listening to the radio, which was always on in the house and
pretty much everywhere one went. Like the supermarket or the pharmacy.
So that my mind is filled with scraps of tunes and lyrics from innumerble songs.

I might not always remember my current phone number, but there are things
one never forgets.


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Below, a cookie recipe using chocolate candy:

                                            *     *     *
 I outdid myself: prepared one envelope of orange diet jell-o
with the requisite 1 cup of  boiling water, and one small can
of fruit salad. It's firm and totally appetizing!

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