Friday, April 26, 2019


If popular culture associates drinking tea with the
snobby and the elderly, I have personally - now that
I have a calm social life and am of retirement age!? - come
to associate it with something quite different in my life:
successful weight control. Because a cup of warm tea, even
without milk or sugar, is a very soothing thing. Schedule it
into the day and it becomes a treat i.e. something one looks
forward to.

Herbal teas are better taken cold, because they often have a
tangy fruit flavor, like strawberry or lemon.  But no caffeine, so
of not much interest in the morning. Okay on a shopping trip.
They are also useful as a party drink, on ice, with a splash of diet

A decent tea, in my view is Earl Grey, which one can go too without
too much guilt in the afternoon, having exhausted one's daily allotment
of caffeine. EG contains caffeine, you say? Maybe; it's like diet spread on
toast, part of the daily slush fund.

I currently nurse a traveler's mug of black coffee (1 1/2 cups) in the
morning. I dispose of anything left at noon - gotta get those zzzs at night -
and allow myself some diet soda with 2 ice cubes after 12:15. Otherwise,
it's water. Although I did read yesterday that June is Gin Month. Internet
is a wonderfull thing...

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