Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Personally, I have long abandonned the dream of wearing
couture fashion; but Luxe houses do continue to pump out
ready-to-wear and accessories with dizzying regularity. What
is one to make of all this stuff?

The climate of Paris is narrow and precise. It doesn't snow in Winter but
it is grey and by the time Spring and sunshine arrive, one is morally
exhausted. But wait a minute, in the summer the Mediterranean beckons
as does the promise of wearing whites and enjoying outdoor sipping/dining.

The fashion shows and - the references they project - are part of this
worldly weariness and renewal cycle. All part of the fashion 'codes'.
Sometimes I think fashion is jealous of fitness, with jewelled chunky
sneakers. Take that, health regimen, I'm going shopping. Whatever!
(Although I'll never get used to those fashion bloggers who go to the
shows in men's clothes and whites on their feet. We are still  and forever
girls, in my humble opinion!)

Madame Figaro is a usefull reference of what was shown, when. One asks
for prêt-à-porter on the left, then créateurs on the right. The image is from
Gucci Spring2019.

And if I lived in Miami, 250$ US would buy a one day pass to
to this year's show. Fun Time!!


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