Tuesday, April 2, 2019


In the general exasperation with the Brexit impasse
in the UK Parliament, President Macron earlier indicated
he was eager to see the EU move on with its own agenda,
with, among other things, European-wide minimum wage
legislation. An interesting issue, that. The UK currently
enjoys a staircase of minimums. There is also a London living
wage which is higher, and paid voluntariy by progressive
employers. Quite a situation then.

The EU is quite progressive in its own legislation, but does take
things from on high for the member countries, who are expected
to implement whatever was agreed on in principle. Well, in the
field of economic policy there are problems - des accrochages - in
the relationships between home and incoming workers. This is
inevitable, But what is troubling is that there is no mechanism for
resolution... short of Brexit.

My suggestion: brush off the UK's European deputies for the European
elections and arm them with concrete proposals. So that they stand for
something when they go back. This might well be the needed next step
for the EU as well.

source: UK government


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