Saturday, April 13, 2019


Been enjoying a Dr Berg video, which gave
me an idea about what might stop an 'irrepressible'
urge to binge on salty foods. Take a lemon, cut it in half,
put salt on the one half and enjoy the salty lemon juice.
The stomach is meant to be acid; this will help digestion
and get nutriments to get where they are supposed to go.
Watch the tele and relax at the same time. The urge should
subside until the next meal.

Not clear on what the need to binge feels like: a true
feeling of emptiness hunger will calm down with oatmeal
or a banana.  Below, Travis S, a great oatmeal enthusiast!

                                       *     *     *
The heart of the struggle, though, has got to be rules
and strategies.

A rule: 3 meals per day with calorie maximums, at least 4
hours apart and nothing else.

A strategy: stopping sweet cravings with milk. When the urge
strikes, drink the milk and do something. If the donuts call, put them
out of sight or even in the garbage. You are not a garbage bin.

Even  fitness people use buoys. Almond milk, hurrah; but when
the going gets tough, a real low-cal milk product.

                                    *     *     *
Sticking to an eating regimen is not a prison sentence. There
are health constraints, especially when one wants to loose weight,
but the menu has got to be built around foods one enjoys. I like
cottage cheese and salmon. Not everyone does and I am okay with
it. And I pay 4$ for lettuce in winter when it is 1$ in summer. It is
one of the pleasures in my life...

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