Sunday, November 10, 2019


The Guardian UK edition is publishing today a very informative
graph of polling data. One can see the poll number points that
generate the curves, with reference to the actual poll. A lot of
work, but well worth it.

                                                 *     *     *

Perso, today am working on learning how to use the Eclipse IDE. Reading
through a lot of stuff, trying to get the flow of things...

The strength of Java comes from keeping things separate, which ultimately
allows one to develop games and such that have a stable appearance. I
know I can do this.

One of the things that happens as one learns t code is that the game experience
is changed. One starts to see things in terms of the code that generates it, rather
than the mysterious adventure it is for the initiate. One is dealing with a background
that grows its element as the player advances, a click at a certain points results
in a state change on an object somewhere else. It's the pro eye.

Below, a rather baroque play episode from a 2013 Horror game that recently
came up on my youtube feed. Interestingly, the company that produced it
was working from Vancouver...

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