Friday, November 22, 2019

Java_Lesson(7) Arrays

The Cyan Code  tutorial on arrays explained it nicely:
all the members in the array are of the same type, here Strings.
The array construct is a form of short-cut.

The example works through as expected.

If I want just one item, I merely ask for it: [2]
is the third item.

i cannot be resolved without the for subroutine...

                                           *     *     *

It is tempting to think one needs a programming language sitting on top of the
operating system to produce such a result, but that would be false. One
can create arrays in the command line easily enough.

We are dealing here with flow control systems, and this came about with ALGOL58.
an algebraic language developed by an international group in 1958.

Batch files (Windows)  are procedures written up on a text editor
and run from the command line. They are a time-saving adjunct for
system administrators.

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