Sunday, November 3, 2019

Cake n' Coffee

I made Indian Pudding at Thanksgiving this
year so I'm left with cornmeal to be used up.
Made a Brazilian cake last night which was a
nice find. Anyone who bakes will be surprised
by how much sugar there is in the recipe, below.
A 10 serving banana bread might contain one cup
at most, not two. Also, the recipe is austere with
no vanilla or other flavouring...

Here's the deal. In a Brazilian context, a piece of
this cake can be consumed with coffee anytime.
Brazil is the world leader in coffee  exports - Arabica,
the better varieties - so this very sweet cake is like
a donut, that sweetness which allows one to taste the
coffee black. Indeed, it is a tad crunchy and I soaked a
piece in milk last night.

Reading about Brazil, there are no coffee chains but often
growers will develop their particular varieties which one can
taste in the coffee shops they run in the city.  Interesting!

*     *     *

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