Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Been pondering this whole hullabaloo about the
OK Boomer meme that's been sprouting lately.
As I can make out, some boomer-aged seniors had
been wearing OKB t-shirts as a somewhat ironic label
to the effect that they were non-senile. But then, the
phrase has been picked up by younger people to the
effect that boomers were, and still are, part of the problem
of ecological mayhem, poor job prospects, ridiculous
education fees and so forth. As in "Ok boomer, stay in
your coccoon!"

Boomer as a label has always been a difficulty: we are a demographic
bulge in the age pyramid, and first-generation television. We invented
cultural familiarity. And it is catching up with us.

The feeling of being unwanted or superfluous has been something
we boomers have all experienced throughout our lives. It is stiil painfull to
me, but I'm okay with it. Looking at it from a marxist perspective: these
are the historical conditions of my particular life. À chacun!

                                     *     *     *

Re-reading the above, the day after, I find it is not altogether accurate.
Seniors never wore ok boomer t-shirts although some of the less
insightful among us might have worn vintage boomer tees. (Age
is obvious and apologizing about it doesn't help). I think I might
have cut corners to excess in my rush to reach the truth kernel of
what I wanted to say, a failing President T. rarely bothers to correct.
Lies are the clothes of truth...👴 But then, what about Nancy P. who
feels she has to impeach the dude to say what she wants about him.
Let's go back to the safety of language.

So a climate activist silenced a heckler with Ok, boomer! and the
meme took off. Fine, enjoy the meme.

The point I wanted to make is a serious one. Marx was a philosopher
and he did point out that we make history - which is a great power, and
a moral responsibility - but not under circumstances of our own
choosing. And the legacy of that insight is Social Science, not a trivial

Greta Thunberg had a great visit to America, and scored for the cause
by crossing the Atlantic in the Fall in a freaking sailboat. But she
has recently joked she needs a ride back to Europe. Unless a dolphin
carries her over on its back, she will be burning some fuel to get
home. Circumstances!

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