Wednesday, November 27, 2019


The matter is controversial: constant exposure to screens
of different kinds can be detrimental, especially to young children
whose brains are in a developmental stage.

Indeed, I have been thinking about a recently published in French
work to the effect that collectively, current generations are experiencing a
lowering of intelligence, something quite unheard of in historical memory.
What could be the mechanism at work here, interfering with brain

Human vision is quite an elaborate and well honed affair: we have two eyes,
each ofwhich capture incoming light through a lens. Remarkable that it is shifting.
I have a plate of cookies and a glass of milk on either side of my plate. Without
moving my head, I can focus on the milk and see the cookies in profile, or focus
on the cookies and see the glass of milk in profile. My brain has done all the work.
Neither a painter nor a photographer can give me that experience; both can put
the cookies and milk in a two-dimentional image, but neither can make that
adjustment of shifting for me. And it is how my brain orients me.

Something to ponder...

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