Monday, May 4, 2020


Now that is a cat picture!!

                                                 *     *     *

One of my favourite vloggers - Amberlynn R - seems
to be stuck at borderline 500 lbs; and because she has lost weight
in the recent past, and feels lighter, has been allowing herself
the odd Ben and Jerry moment.

In my view, her next diet goal should be 360, which I endorse
because it would flip her out of the super morbidly obese
category, to just morbidly obese. This is not idle chit-chat. It makes
a difference, and the medical aspect is that of anesthesia. If she ever
needs to 'go under', it then becomes much safer for her.

It's a big jump, not doubt about it. One meal at a time, it can happen.
As for Ben and Jerry, buy coffee cream and have a hot drink with cream
now and again. Or drop one in a smoothie. Put a big bag of little creamers
in the freezer, and keep going.

And dance to your favourite music to get a new sense of balance. You get
the idea...

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