Friday, May 15, 2020


Been really enjoying the background image on my Google
Chrome page, below.  Used this to inspire my new project.

Found a similar image to use as background. What would be
neat would be to have lights go on and off in various windows,
stars appear, a meteorite burn though the sky... All this to music, of course.

Hope to have something for Monday, which is a bank holiday in
Canada (Queen's birthday/Les Patriotes).
                                                          *     *     *
Starting to appreciate the difference between a run-through,
a preview, and an actual render. Because I am using computer-
generated frames, I have to tell the computer to render what
I want. This takes time, and memory. A preview is an in-between
solution. The film below shows my place-saver comet as is,
and in preview...

*     *     *

Here is what a render on the MDayM helicopter sequence produced.
(This for use in another animation editor).

The helicopter sequence was rendered at quality 3. The quality range goes from
from 1 to 9, with 1 the highest (and slowest). Quality 5, below:

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