Saturday, December 19, 2020


 Been playing around with the Pong game, trying to give

it a Christmas feel. Found a (rather sad) image of Disneyworld

all decked out but empty. Even jolly London is going down

this Christmas...

Need to get back to the automating the game problem!!

                                                        *     *     *

So I automated player2 (in the update function) so that the paddle y-coordinate is always the same

as that of the ball:

The result is pretty sweet for player2; he never misses. (The qualiry

of gameplay is jagged, because using the camera 'on top' lowers

the framerate on the game. It is supposed to be 60). Whatever!

I now need to make this a bit more interesting for player 1; no

doubt with a random variation on the y alignment so that P2 misses


The following code does that (P2 misses 60% of the time) but the paddle

wiggles and it is annoying...😒

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