Monday, December 14, 2020

Saint Laurent

Someone made a complaint about this image being

shown on the bus billboards in Paris, on the grounds that it was 

degrading to women.  And it was judged 'somewhat' offensive 

by the relevant authorities. 

In MHO, the whole thing shows the silliness of censorship.

That image is cute, funny and cheerful in an otherwise bleak

Christmas. it is also self-mocking - which for a Luxe brand - is a


I actually bought a pair of faux leather jeggings earlier in the season,

mine in a nice tasteful dark red for the holidays 😉. Couldn't try them on -

pandémie oblige - but it was in a trusted brand, in my size and I own

some of their products. Long story short, it is actually impossible to move

in these pants: one might stand drink in hand in an event, but forget sitting

down: lying prostrate on the couch is about the best one can do. 

Ended up taking them back; I could hurt myself on a snowy day. And I do

sit at the computer a lot.

That image tells the whole story: wanting a fun Christmas, but cocooned

in a banal reality.

And it does show the posterieur of the model. Those leggings showed that

as well, perhpas a tad rounder and with shorter legs. Oh hum! Merry X!

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