Wednesday, December 9, 2020


 ANY DAY NOW, the vaccine will be approved. For

those following this little drama, Libé spilled yesterday

that neither PfizerBioNTech nor Moderna had sent their

vaccination trial data for peer review before seeking approval;

only Oxford/AstraZeneca did. Soooo...

Aparently, the US authorities just okayed Pfizer. The

review is yet to come.

Does it really matter!? I did read there was some issue about

no one controlling for study subjects havig already had the Covid-19

and recovered from it. A rough estimate of 10% is being thrown around,

on a purely statistical basis (whereas those having recovered might just

be more likely to volunteer. Who knows!!).

One of these days, all this might be amusing in a university theater 

somewhere where there is a lecture on mathematical stats. For the moment,

we are most definetely not amused...

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