Saturday, December 26, 2020

For the Win

 Amberlynn Reid's Christmas vlog ends in a very striking

manner: she breaks down in tears and sobs she just wants 

to  be normal. I have a story for her, actually an anecdote:

just happened to me today.

I was grocery shopping - we are in Shutdown - in a convenience 

store, where the aisles are narrow. In front of me, a woman with 

a full cart and two school-aged children. Her daughter was parked 

in the middle of the aisle, staring at a wall of various brands of potato 

chips, essentially blocking the aisle. 'Come along, the mother turns to 

say. 'Why are you not moving.''I'm sad you won't let me buy any chips.' 

the girl answers. The  mother retorts: 'Skip-hop towards us. This is the 

advantage of not eating chips; you will never be weighed down and fat.' 

So the girl did...

Yes, Amberlynn is right when she says, on the heels of many vloggers, 

"There are no bad foods", 'Moderation is the key' and so forth. But is 

the cacophony of wisdom bites about food, no nutritionis would advise 

potato chips. Stuff happens, and everyone will taste the chippers eventually 

but they are not essential food. Are they a bad food? They are not actual 

poison, but they are fattening and addictive. Eaten in conjunction with sugar, 

like a glass of pop, they will lead to bloat of the worst kind.

So the mother just explained to the daughter they are not a food for 

her. And the latter is young enough to remember and put in practice this 

guideline for many years to come. That child will have an easier time being, 

looking, NORMAL.

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