Tuesday, September 7, 2021

More Tests

 Another day another libray. Just added Selenium to my vscode extensions.

I hace also downloaded and installed selenium and chromedriver.

What this allows one to do is simulate a user navigating the site, and seeing is we

are getting expected results.

The test page is our counter, and two buttons to either increase or decrease the count.

                                                            *     *     *

How does this all work!? Once called from selenium webdriver essentially takes

over control of the chosen browser; in this case Chrome.

I can now tell Chrome what to run...from code. thepageactually responds.

Here,  I go further, and defie the click events!

This testing capability is extremely fast: I can run hundereds of clicks in a flash.

                                                      *     *     *

all the error code above, to the effect there is a USB device not working properly

really doesn't effec the outcoeme. Tere is a long-standing mismatch between windows

nd chromedriver (which effects Edgedriver, as well). Something to be fixed in the future.

I am on a Microsoft tablet which only has one USB device (my mouse) so I disconnected

it and relaunched . Indeed I got a clean output from Selenium within vscode...

But who wants to live without a mouse!!

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