Sunday, September 19, 2021


 So Conrad Black thinks the only rational thing to do in this

election is vote for  Erin O'Toole. I wouldn't know: this election was 

so cutesy we didn't get to hear about some of the really important 

stuff, like International Affairs. Yet there it is, front and foremost in the

news. If Australia gets those nuclear-powered missiles - with bomb capability -

then China sees no alternative then to put them on the list of those

who should be bombed in the eventuality of war.

What?? Did I miss a turn here? Big to-do about no one paying their NATO

dues under Donald Trump, but that is NATO. North Atlantic Treaty Organiaztion, 

yesterday's war. The rumble is on somewhere else, in the Pacific. I looked

up if Canada had any submarines: we have four, and they are very well taken care of.

They do the Mediterranean. But a smaller country than us, with a 

population of 25 million, is buying a lot of them, and getting grief from China about it.

It's a different game.

I am not trying to paint China as the enemy. But having them produce a lot of our 

material things and clothes has circulated quite a bit of money their way, which 

lets them buy things like Vancouver properties, tuition at Oxford, Chanel bags. We 

are tangled with them in various legal issues as well, such as the two Michaels. And 

don't get me going on the pandemic.

Distressing to me is that the major party leaders are all Quebecers: Truseau, Blanchet, 

O'Toole. And with his law degree, J.Singh might as well be one.  All trying to balance

culture and demography. Is there no institutional reponse to this that might allow us to move 


Oh, and I think that Yves-Francois Blanchet - with a degree in Anthropology and History 

fromthe U. de M - should have been Minister of External Affairs during the whole 

Afghanistan crisis. Stop repeating himself..., earn his salary...

Thus from me: vote for the mp of your choice, and hang tight!

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